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Peer-Reviewed Articles


"Structure Sensitivity in the Formic Acid-Driven Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Maleic Acid to Succinic Acid over Pd/C Catalysts."

A. Orozco-Saumell, M. Retuerto, A.C. Alba-Rubio, P. Maireles-Torres, J. Iglesias, R. Mariscal, M. López Granados*;

Journal of Catalysis 439 (2024) 115780.

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"Recommendations to Standardize Reporting on the Synthesis of Heterogeneous Catalysts."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, P. Christopher, M.L. Personick, K.J. Stowers*;

Journal of Catalysis 429 (2024) 115259.



"Polystyrene-Based Catalysts with Simultaneous Brønsted and Lewis Acidity for Hydroxymethylfurfural Production from Starch: Molecular Weight and Solvent Effects."

I.S. Omodolor, N.O. Ofole, S.A. Walz, M.R. Coleman, R. Gogar, S. Viamajala, F.C.F. Marcos, A.C. Alba-Rubio*;

Sustainable Energy & Fuels 8 (2024) 272-285.



"The Role of MnOx in Cu-MnOx/SiO2 Catalysts for the Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Furfural."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, J.A. Cecilia*, C.P. Jiménez-Gómez, C. García-Sancho, A. Cassidy, R. Moreno-Tost, P. Maireles-Torres;

Molecular Catalysis 546 (2023) 113224.

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"A Novel Electrochemical Sensor Based on a Cerium Oxide/Gold/Carbon Nanocomposite for the Detection of Hydroxyl Free Radicals."

H. Ghaedamini, A.C. Alba-Rubio, D.-S. Kim*;

Journal of the Electrochemical Society 170 (4) (2023) 047510.


"Soluble and Reusable Polymer-Based Catalysts with Brønsted and Lewis Acidity for the One-Pot Synthesis of Hydroxymethylfurfural from Glucose."

I.S. Omodolor, S. Kalidindi, S.A. Walz, M.R. Coleman, R. Gogar, S. Viamajala, M. López Granados, A.C. Alba-Rubio*;

Catalysis Science & Technology 13 (2023) 132-1462022 Emerging Investigators.



"Inverse Oxide/Metal Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol."

K.F. Kapiamba, H.O. Otor, S. Viamajala, A.C. Alba-Rubio*;

Energy & Fuels 36 (19) (2022) 11691-117112022 Energy & Fuels Rising Stars.

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"Tailoring the selectivity of Cu-based catalysts in the furfural hydrogenation reaction: Influence of the morphology of the silica support."

C.P. Jiménez-Gómez, J.A. Cecilia, A.C. Alba-Rubio, A. Cassidy, R. Moreno-Tost, C. García-Sancho*, P. Maireles-Torres;

Fuel 319 (2022) 123827Open Access!

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"Electrochemical MoOx/Carbon Nanocomposite-Based Gas Sensor for Formaldehyde Detection at Room Temperature."

H.Y. Alolaywi, S. Duanghathaipornsuk, S.S. Kim, C.-H. Li, J.R. Jinschek, D.-S. Kim*, A.C. Alba-Rubio*;

Journal of the Electrochemical Society 168 (6) (2021) 067525.


"Poly(4-Styrenesulfonic Acid): A Recoverable and Reusable Catalyst for Acid Hydrolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate."

H. Abedsoltan, I.S. Omodolor, A.C. Alba-Rubio*, M.R. Coleman*;

Polymer 222 (2021) 123620



"Supersensitive CeOx-Based Nanocomposite Sensor for the Electrochemical Detection of Hydroxyl Free Radicals."

S. Duanghathaipornsuk, D.-S. Kim, T.L. Phares, C.-H. Li, J. Jinschek, A.C. Alba-Rubio*; 

Nanoscale 13 (2021) 5136-5144. 2021 Nanoscale Emerging Investigators.



"Detection Technologies for Reactive Oxygen Species: Fluorescence and Electrochemical Methods and Their Applications."

S. Duanghathaipornsuk, E. Farrell, A.C. Alba-Rubio, P. Zelenay, D.-S. Kim*;

Biosensors 11 (2) (2021) 30. Open Access!


"Plasma Catalytic Ammonia Synthesis on Ni Nanoparticles: The Size Effect."

F. Gorky, A. Best, J. Jasinski, B.J. Allen, A.C. Alba-Rubio*, M.L. Carreón*;

Journal of Catalysis 393 (2021) 369-380.

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"Dual-Function Materials for CO2 Capture and Conversion: A Review."

I.S. Omodolor, H.O. Otor, J.A. Andonegui, B.J. Allen, A.C. Alba-Rubio*; 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59 (40) (2020) 17612-17631ACS Editors' Choice, Open Access! 2020 Class of Influential Researchers.



"Synthesis of CeOx-Decorated Pd/C Catalysts by Controlled Surface Reactions for Hydrogen Oxidation in Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells."

R.K. Singh, E.S. Davydova, J. Douglin, A.O. Godoy, H. Tan, M. Bellini, B.J. Allen, J. Jankovic, H.A. Miller, A.C. Alba-Rubio*, D.R. Dekel*; 

Advanced Functional Materials (2020) 2002087. Open Access!

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"The Effects of Size and Content of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles on a Composite Sensor for Hydroxyl Radicals Detection."

S. Duanghathaipornsuk, F.A.O. Alateeq, S.S. Kim, D.-S. Kim, A.C. Alba-Rubio*;

Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical 321 (2020) 128467. 

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"Encapsulation Methods for Control of Catalyst Deactivation: A Review."

H.O. Otor, J.B. Steiner, C. García-Sancho*, A.C. Alba-Rubio*;

ACS Catalysis 10 (2020) 7630-7656. Front Cover.



"Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Maleic Acid with Stoichiometric Amounts of Formic Acid in Aqueous Phase: Paving the Way for More Sustainable Succinic Acid Production."

M. López Granados*, J. Moreno, A.C. Alba-Rubio, J. Iglesias, D. Martín Alonso, R. Mariscal;

Green Chemistry 22 (6) (2020) 1859-1872

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"Oxidation of Furfural in Aqueous H2O2 Catalysed by Titanium Silicalite: Deactivation Processes and Role of Extraframework Ti Oxides." 

A.C. Alba-Rubio, J.L. García-Fierro, L. León-Reina, R. Mariscal, J.A. Dumesic, M. López Granados*; 

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 202 (2017) 269-280.



"Self-Assembly of Noble Metal Monolayers on Transition Metal Carbide Nanoparticle Catalysts."

S.T. Hunt, M. Milina, A.C. Alba-Rubio, C.H. Hendon, J.A. Dumesic, Y. Román-Leshkov*; 

Science 352 (6288) (2016) 974-978



"PtMo Bimetallic Catalysts Synthesized by Controlled Surface Reactions for Water Gas Shift."

C. Sener, T.S. Wesley, A.C. Alba-Rubio, M.D. Kumbhalkar, S.H. Hakim, F.H. Ribeiro, J.T. Miller, J.A. Dumesic*; 

ACS Catalysis 6 (2) (2016) 1334-1344.



"Synthesis of Supported RhMo and PtMo Bimetallic Catalysts by Controlled Surface Reactions."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, C. Sener, S.H. Hakim, T.M. Gostanian, J.A. Dumesic*; 

ChemCatChem 7 (23) (2015) 3881-3886



"Direct Synthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide over Au-Pd Catalysts Prepared by Electroless Deposition."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, A. Plauck, E. Stangland, M. Mavrikakis, J.A. Dumesic*; 

Catalysis Letters 145 (12) (2015) 2057-2065



"Reverse Water-Gas Shift on Interfacial Sites Formed by Deposition of Oxidized Molybdenum Moieties onto Gold Nanoparticles."

R. Carrasquillo-Flores, I. Ro, M. Kumbhalkar, S. Burt, C.A. Carrero, A.C. Alba-Rubio, J.T. Miller, I. Hermans, G.W. Huber, J.A. Dumesic*; 

Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (32) (2015) 10317-10325



"Stabilizing Cobalt Catalysts for Aqueous-Phase Reactions by Strong Metal-Support Interaction."

J. Lee, S.P. Burt, C.A. Carrero, A.C. Alba-Rubio, I. Ro, B.J. O’Neill, H.J. Kim, D.H.K. Jackson, T.F. Kuech, I. Hermans, J.A. Dumesic, G.W. Huber*; 

Journal of Catalysis 330 (2015) 19-27



"Synthesis of Supported Bimetallic Nanoparticles with Controlled Size and Composition Distributions for Active Site Elucidation." 

S.H. Hakim, C. Sener, A.C. Alba-Rubio, T.M. Gostanian, B.J. O’Neill, F.H. Ribeiro, J.T. Miller, J.A. Dumesic*; 

Journal of Catalysis  328 (2015) 75-90



"Pore Structure and Bifunctional Catalyst Activity of Overlayers Applied by Atomic Layer Deposition on Copper Nanoparticles."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, B.J. O’Neill, F. Shi, C. Akatay, C. Canlas, T. Li, R. Winans, J.W. Elam, E.A. Stach, P.M. Voyles, J.A. Dumesic*; 

ACS Catalysis 4 (5) (2014) 1554-1557



"Poly-(Styrene Sulphonic Acid): An Acid Catalyst from Polystyrene Waste for Reactions of Interest in Biomass Valorization."

N. Alonso-Fagúndez, V. Laserna, A.C. Alba-Rubio, M. Mengíbar, A. Heras, R. Mariscal, M. López Granados*; 

Catalysis Today 234 (2014) 285-294



"Formic Acid Decomposition on Au Catalysts: DFT, Microkinetic Modeling, and Reaction Kinetics Experiments."

S. Singh, S. Li, R. Carrasquillo-Flores, A.C. Alba-Rubio, J.A. Dumesic, M. Mavrikakis*; 

AIChE Journal 60 (4) (2014) 1303-1319.



"Stabilization of Copper Catalysts for Liquid-Phase Reactions by Atomic Layer Deposition."

B.J. O’Neill, D.H.K. Jackson, A.J. Crisci, C.A. Farberow, F. Shi, A.C. Alba-Rubio, J. Lu, P.J. Dietrich, X. Gu, C.L. Marshall, P.C. Stair, J.W. Elam, J.T. Miller, F.H. Ribeiro, P.M. Voyles, J. Greeley, M. Mavrikakis, S.L. Scott, T.F. Kuech, J.A. Dumesic*; 

Angewandte Chemie International 52 (51) (2013) 13808-13812. Very Important Paper + Back Cover.



"Structural and Surface Study of Calcium Glyceroxide, an Active Phase for Biodiesel Production under Heterogeneous Catalysis." 

L. León-Reina, A. Cabeza*, J. Rius, P. Maireles-Torres, A.C. Alba-Rubio, M. López Granados*; 

Journal of Catalysis 300 (2013)  30-36



"A New and Efficient Procedure for Removing Calcium Soaps in Biodiesel Obtained Using CaO as a Heterogeneous Catalyst."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, M.L. Alonso Castillo, M.C.G. Albuquerque, R. Mariscal, C.L. Cavalcante Jr.*, M. López Granados*; 

Fuel 95 (2012)  464-470



"Poly(Styrenesulphonic) Acid: An Active and Reusable Acid Catalyst Soluble in Polar Solvents."

M. López Granados*, A.C. Alba-Rubio, I. Sádaba, R. Mariscal, I. Mateos-Aparicio, A. Heras; 

Green Chemistry 13 (11) (2011)  3203-3212.



"Surface Chemical Production of Ca Oxide Catalysts in Biodiesel Production Reaction by the Addition of Monoglycerides, Diglycerides, and Glycerol."

M. López Granados*, A.C. Alba-Rubio, F. Vila, D. Martín Alonso, R. Mariscal; 

Journal of Catalysis 276 (2) (2010) 229-236



"Deactivation of Organosulfonic Acid Functionalized Silica Catalysts during Biodiesel Synthesis."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, F. Vila, D. Martín Alonso, M. Ojeda, R. Mariscal, M. López Granados*; 

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 95 (3-4) (2010) 279-287



"Heterogeneous Transesterification Processes by Using CaO Supported on Zinc Oxide as Basic Catalysts."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, J. Santamaría-González, J. Mérida-Robles, R. Moreno-Tost, D. Martín Alonso, A. Jiménez-López, P. Maireles-Torres*; 

Catalysis Today 149 (3-4) (2010) 281-287.



"Transesterification of Triglycerides by CaO: Increase of the Reaction Rate by Biodiesel Addition."

M. López Granados*, D. Martín Alonso, A.C. Alba-Rubio, R. Mariscal, M. Ojeda, P. Brettes; 

Energy & Fuels 23 (4) (2009) 2259-2263. 



"A Nanocomposite of Cerium Oxide, Gold, and Carbon for the Detection of Hydroxyl Free Radicals."

D.S. Kim, H. Ghaedamini, A.C. Alba-Rubio, S. Duanghathaipornsuk, I.S. Omodolor; UToledo invention disclosure form (2023).



"Nanocomposite of Molybdenum Oxide and Conductive Carbon for Formaldehyde Gas Detection at Room Temperature."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, D.S. Kim, H. Alolaywi; US Patent Application Publication No. US 2024/0118237 A1 (2024).



"Silica-Supported Small Ni Nanoparticles for Unprecedented Ammonia Synthesis Rates Via Plasma Catalysis."

M. Carreón Garcidueñas, A.C. Alba-Rubio; Application number 63/078,980 (2020).



"Super Sensitive Sensor for the Detection of Hydroxyl Free Radicals with Scavenging Properties."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, D.S. Kim, S. Duanghathaipornsuk; US Patent Application Publication No. US 2021/0255132 A1 (2021).



"Homogeneous and Reusable Superacid Polymer Catalyst for the Synthesis of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural From Glucose."

A.C. Alba-Rubio, M.R. Coleman, S. Kalidindi, A.S. Joshi, I.S. Omodolor; US 11,607,677 B2 (2023).



"Procedure for Removing Calcium Soaps and Synthesizing Free-Soap Biodiesel by Using CaO as a Catalyst."

M. López Granados, R. Mariscal, A.C. Alba-Rubio, C.L. Cavalcante Jr., M.C.G. Albuquerque; ES 2395964 B1 (2013). 



"Homogeneous Acid Catalysis Method Which Includes the Reuse of Polystyrene Sulphonic Acid (PSSA)."

M. López Granados, R. Mariscal, A.C. Alba-Rubio, I. Sadaba; ES 2391188 B1 & WO 2012/146809 A1 (2012). 

Booklets, Book Chapters & Reports


"Color the Scientist – Women in STEM in Upstate South Carolina." A.C. Alba-Rubio and P.V. Kumar. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2154386. Open access, Licensed via CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. (2024).                                                                                           


    Download here! →



"Addressing Rigor and Reproducibility in Thermal, Heterogeneous Catalysis." NSF- and DOE-funded workshop report. Eds. N.M. Schweitzer, R. Gounder, and R. Rioux (2023). Open access.



"Well-Defined Nanostructures for Catalysis by Atomic Layer Deposition."

Y. Pagán-Torres, J. Lu, E. Nikolla, A.C. Alba-Rubio. Morphological, Compositional, and Shape Control of Materials for Catalysis, Volume 177. Eds. P. Fornasiero and M. Cargnello. Elsevier (2017). ISBN: 9780128050903.



"Cracking Down on Carbon." A.C. Alba-Rubio. American Infrastructure magazine (2019)

Media Coverage

​19) Clemson News: "Women in STEM in Upstate South Carolina" coloring book (2024)


​18) Clemson News: Celebrating three early-career honors (2022)


17) Chemical & Engineering News: 2023 I&EC Early Career Fellow (2022)


16) Catalysis Science & Technology journal: 2022 Emerging Investigators (2022)


15) Energy & Fuels journal: 2022 Energy & Fuels Rising Stars (2022)


14) ChBE Clemson: New NSF grant to aid in the detection of cancer cells (2022).


13) UToledo News: Faculty Recognized for Tenure and Promotion (2021)


12) Diario Sur (Spanish newspaper): Perspective from an Andalusian scientist in the US (2021).  


11) UToledo News: Researchers Conduct Testing for U.S. Navy-funded Hypersonic Aerospace Project (2021)


10) Nanoscale RSC journal: 2020 Nanoscale Emerging Investigators Collection (2021)


9) UToledo News: 2020 I&EC Research Class of Influential Researchers (2020)


8) ACS Axial: 2020 I&EC Research Class of Influential Researchers (2020)


7) Diario Sur (Spanish newspaper): NSF CAREER Award (2019)


6) UToledo Youtube channel: NSF CAREER Award (2019)


5) UToledo News: NSF CAREER Award (2019). 


4) EurekAlert! by AAAS: NSF CAREER Award (2019).


3) UToledo Youtube channel: Alba-Rubio Group Participating in the Girls in Science Day at UToledo (2017).


2) MIT News: Article published in Science (2016).


1) UToledo News: Article Published in Science (2016).



Last updated: 2/13/2025


Dr. Ana C. Alba-Rubio

Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Clemson University

Office: 207A Earle Hall (Mailing Address: 127 Earle Hall)

206 S. Palmetto Blvd.

Clemson, SC 29634 (USA)


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